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  • Deposit: $700
  • Minimum stay: 2 weeks
  • Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
  • Internet: Yes
  • Smoking: No
  • Can pickup airport?: Yes
  • House has pets?: Yes
  • Available from: 23 Jun 2024
  • Available to: 31 Dec 2024
  • Guests: Students, Travellers, Workers
Hi our house is a walk away from the Christchurch university Jan and Rebekah (mother and Daughter) will be your hosts, ensuring you are warm, feed and comfortable.
Jan has worked with international students for many years in a boarding house so has an amazing ability to help you get settled and comfortable.
We have a pet dog Baxter he is a Boarder terrier and is a small dog.
Your room has a comfortable bed, desk, wardrobe set of draws.
We look forward to hosting you.


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